A number of reasons have been shown how acupuncture affects the outcome of in vitro fertilization, or IVF. Acupuncture has been shown to positively affect the level of the ovary and pituitary hormones while the electro-acupuncture treatment showed will lead to better and improved blood flow within the uterine arteries of women are infertile.
In conjunction with IVF therapy of acupuncture modern, as a complementary therapy, is increasingly common. Studies have shown that acupuncture helps patients respond better to medication and improving pregnancy rates and leading healthy eggs. Many women who have had problems with high levels of FSH or who have suffered a miscarriage are advised that acupuncture is the answer to their problems.
The pregnancy rate higher couples experiencing difficulty in conceiving through traditional methods are turning to other techniques to help them have a child and one of the most widely used reproductive therapies currently used is in vitro fertilization. IVF is the process of harvesting eggs from a woman, then fertilization with sperm in a laboratory.
Some studies have shown that pregnancy rates increase by as much as 40 per cent for women undergoing acupuncture treatment in addition to IVF. Acupuncture makes the uterus more receptive to the implantation, which is one of the main reasons attributed to the higher rates of success.
On a side note, for women who decide to combine acupuncture with IVF, it seems that it is preferable to undergo acupuncture treatment, in the afternoon, before transferring embryos, as well as in in the afternoon or the day after the transfer.
Many women find IVF be a source of stress and anxiety-ridden experience. These factors often result in undermining the success of IVF. However, on a positive note, a 2002 German study reported that 34 out of 80 women who have been the subject of an IVF and were also receiving acupuncture got pregnant-a success rate of 42.5 for cent. For non - this may not be very rational, but anything when compared to women undergoing IVF treatment as (no acupuncture), the pregnancy rate for those using the 'acupuncture is much higher.
Minggu, 11 November 2007
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